
The Next food Network star tv show

Has anyone started to watch the Next food Network star TV Show? This seasons of contestants all make me want to change the channel. How do some of these people become an executive chef? I am so Glad that Nipa got booted. How can you be the next food network star let alone a chef or cook and not touch fish? If you are afraid to touch any food, you should not have any right to be in the kitchen. All she knows is Indian food. What about Adam...falling in front of the audience he is cooking for as something funny? How about Jennifer..her technique challenge...whoa the first thing you learn when you are trying to teach someone about a cooking technique is not to say negative things even if you have no idea on how to do the technique they ask you to do. Also, how can you be a food network star when your food is not fully cooked for proper eating (the pink pork, the undercooked potatoes, etc.)

Enough about the negativity...the one semi-good contestant, Kelsey..reminded me of a Rachael Ray and Sandra Lee combination. The stuff that the food network just loves to see..perky personality and a cute girl to attract an audience. At least she knows some techniques and can use them in the challenges.

So you say why all the fuss about this show..because I see that almost anyone who cooks at least 3-4 times a week for themselves, for parties, family or friends knows just as much as these people do. As long as you watch food network shows that teach you techniques (such as good eats, Tyler's ultimate, how to boil water, and some other shows) and find information on there website, almost anyone can try to do the challenges they give on this show and try to become a contestant.

to leave you with this...Happy cooking, eating, and sharing all you love about food.

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